Immotheker Finotheker

Is your retirement well taken care of?

Did you know that your legal pension will only be 50-70% of your last paycheck?

  • Choose from 140 different pension savings funds or insurance policies
  • Determine your maximum savings amount, €1,020 or €1,310 per year, and benefit immediately from your annual tax reduction
  • Start saving for your pension in 2024 and save up to €17,000 extra!

Make a free appointment

What's your benefit?

Every day we compare no less than 140 different pension savings insurance policies and funds based on returns, conditions and your risk profile. In complete independence, our experts guide you in finding the most fitting solution.

→ Pay less taxes

With pension savings, you set aside an amount each year. Depending on the tax cap you choose, you'll get up to 30% tax savings on your deposits the following year.

→ Addition to your legal pension

Chances are your legal pension is not enough to maintain your lifestyle after retirement. Curious about your legal pension amount? You can easily find it on Pension savings allow you to supplement your legal pension.

What does it offer?

It's quite a challenge to compare the full range of pension savings options from different financial institutions and make the right choice. That's why we do it for you: we compare as many as 140 different pension savings policies and funds every day.

Start your simulation

Are you already saving for your pension?

A lot of Belgians already engage in pension savings. Maybe you started it at some point as well. But are you sure you have a good return? Do the test: compare your return with the average and best formulas of the moment with our pension savings barometer.

Changing formulas? Easy!

Not sure if your pension savings formula is optimal? Fortunately, you can easily switch to a better one. You won't lose any of your accumulated capital and you can make big profits in the future because the differences between the returns are immense. Just give us a visit. Our experts will be happy to help you.

Make a free appointment

Our clients appreciate our personal approach

Zeer vriendelijk en behulpzaam. Maken zeker tijd om de situatie in te schatten. En nog mooi advies gekregen ook! Dank jullie wel


Intussen is het bijna 2.5 jaar geleden dat wij voor de eerste keer binnenwandelden bij de Immotheker in Tienen. Als jong koppel waren wij opzoek naar een gepaste lening voor ons bouwproject. Waar de g

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Top kantoor ! Bedankt Benoit en Areg !


It was a useful meeting. Nancy explained all the details about obtaining a mortgage and simulated the possible mortgage amount based on our initial position. She was very kind and answered all our que

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Zeer goede en professionele ontvangst 👍🏻


Heel tevreden over de manier waarop ik ben geholpen door Jolien. Zeker een aanrader!


Steven heeft ons met raad en daad bijgestaan bij het bekomen van ons hypothecair krediet. Hij is een zeer bekwame hartelijke man die ons bij elke stap in het aankoopproces heeft geholpen en meermaals

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Our overall approach makes the difference

You are our starting point

We never start from products, but always from people: who are you, what stage of life are you in and what are your short- and long-term goals?

Your lifestyle is our job

Together, we choose which home loan, insurance, investment or pension savings plan best suits your lifestyle. And we guide you in finalizing it.

We follow up for life

Your life is always changing. That's why we help you make the right choices at every stage of life. And we'll let you know when it is time to change.